Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How To Login 2 To 3 Gmail Accounts At The Same Time

Google Gmail is possibly the best free email provider and service, the best part about Gmail is the ability to perform multiple logins via the same browser. Gmail has the best spam filter that removes unwanted emails intelligently.
To setup multiple accounts in Gmail, you will need to change your account settings on the Gmail Multiple Sessions settings page.

How To Login 2 To 3 Gmail Accounts At The Same Time
That’s all, simple and easy. Remember, You may need to sign out of all accounts for this setting to take effect. When multiple sign-in is turned on, you can click the arrow next to your address (at top right) to switch between accounts with these Google products:
  • Calendar
  • Code
  • Finance
  • Gmail
  • Google Moderator
  • Google+
  • iGoogle
  • News
  • Reader
  • Sites
  • Voice

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